I have been associated with MTSS Group with for more than 10 years. I was onboarded with MTSS Group with the hope of a secured employment and a dream of getting green card based through my employment in 2009. I felt so happy and satisfied about the decision I took to join MTSS Group. Under MTSS Group, I got great opportunities to work for various clients like Fannie Mae, Farmers Insurance and EmeraldX. The staff of MTSS Group is very professional and friendly at the same time. The CEO and the company always invested in my growth which helped me climbed different professional ladders where I am working as a Vice President for one of trade show companies.
HR, Job and Immigration Support, Benefits: The staff of MTSS Group is very professional and friendly at the same time. The CEO and the company always invested in my growth which helped me climbed different professional ladders. Immigration was a breeze- yes it took time, due to the constant change in US immigration laws and the way IRS operates, but the company was very transparent about the whole process and made sure everything was correct by the book. I am proud of the fact that MTSS Group processed my Green Card and helped me settle in this country using the skills I had.
Recommendation: Very few consulting companies in the small and mid-sized space have the kind of ethics and track record that MTSS Group has. The CEO personally monitors all the departments and makes sure that the consultants have all the required tools and process to apply their skills correctly. The staff is very professional and the processes and very transparent. A very hassle-free environment that allows you to focus on your actual work and projects. I would strongly recommend this company to others.

Mukesh Jain
Vice President of Commercial Operations
EmeraldX, A Trade Show Company